New Delhi: The Delhi government on Wednesday said over 95,000 people have received anti-coronavirus vaccine doses the previous day with 45,314 of them getting the second jab. A total of 1,02,95,389 vaccine doses have been administered in Delhi so far, according to the city's vaccination bulletin. Of the total 1,02,95,389 jabs -- 75,33,335 were first doses and 27,62,054 second doses.
Delhi had only four days of vaccine stocks left as on Wednesday morning, the bulletin claimed. The national capital had a balance stock of 7,26,040 coronavirus vaccines, of which 3,75,110 doses were of Covishield and 3,50,930 of Covaxin. A total of 10,200 doses of Covaxin were added to the stock on Tuesday. The national capital's current vaccination capacity stands at 1,75,539 doses daily, the bulletin stated.
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