Patna: Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Tejashwi Yadav has started working out and is paying heed to his health following Prime Minister Narendra Modi's advice. Tejashwi took to social media to share a video of him playing cricket. This is the second time in the past two weeks, that the leader of the opposition in the Bihar assembly has shared his fitness workout videos.
Sources close to Tejashwi confirmed that he has started focusing on his health after PM Modi advised him on shedding some weight. A few days back, Tejashwi had shared his video of playing cricket in which he quoted that in the life of the game, one should always play to win. PM Modi was in Patna on July 12 to take part in the centenary celebration of the Bihar assembly and during his meeting, both had a brief conversation on health. During the conversation, PM advised Tejashwi to lose some weight.
Also read: Tejashwi Yadav fumbles while reading in assembly; visit to doctor reveals high eye pressure
Today, Tejashwi shared another video in which he is found pulling and pushing an old jeep that was once driven by his father Lalu Prasad Yadav. Sources said that Tejashwi gained more weight after his marriage. "Before marriage, his weight was 75 kg but after marriage, he crossed 85 kg, putting on around 10 kg of weight. He is a great foodie and loves non-veg food a lot. He eats grilled chicken, fish fry, and mutton. His appetite is really good. He also likes chocolate shakes.
However, after the advice of the PM, he has controlled his diet and is avoiding oily food and sweets. These days, he is eating a lot of salad and non-oily food with fewer spices. He is avoiding all the edibles that have fatty elements," a close aide of Tejashwi told ETV Bharat on the condition of anonymity.
The close aide further said, "Even his wife Rajshri Yadav encouraged Tejashwi to accept the advice of PM as a challenge and start working out on a regular basis to lose weight. Now, Tejashwi is determined to get back into shape and for that he is dedicating two to three hours a day to exercising. He has been a cricketer so he knows very well which exercise can help him to lose weight. He is cycling as well inside the compound of his residence at 10, Circular Road and we are sure that within a few months, he will lose the weight, and soon you people will see different Tejashwi."
Before venturing into politics, Yadav was a professional cricketer and even played state level cricket from Jharkhand in 2009. He has also played Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy apart from being a team member of Delhi Daredevils for the Indian Premier League. He had to leave it midway due to an injury.