New Delhi: In his rare appearance since his resignation from the Rajya Sabha in 2018 after facing allegations in the MeToo movement, former minister and jouranlist MJ Akbar said, "We should never blame the Quran for the sins of the Muslims" while underscoring that Auregnzeb during his brutal reign imposed policies that were in complete contrast to Indian ethics, civilization and secularism."
Speaking at Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi, Akbar during a public lecture on 'Auregnzeb: The Emperor of Counter-Reformation', praised Indian culture and its composite nature for accepting cultures and religions from foreign states. He further stated that "Aurangzeb despite being a fine military strategist and an exceptional politician imposed harsh and brutal tactics and in a way started to undo things, which were initiated by Emperor Akbar".
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Enumerating the misdeeds of Aurangzeb, he said, "He destroyed temples, imposed jizya (a form of tax imposes on Non-Muslims in a state governed by strict Islamic law), banned music, paintings", but despite that he failed to achieve what we wanted to attain. Paintings, Music were and are an inherent form of Indian culture representing our way and form of life. Aurangzeb imposed a ban on this saying these were impediments to Islamic law, said Akbar adding that "Our Indian civilization has always been rich and if you want to have a glimpse at it, one should visit Chandni Chowk and Old Delhi."
"The morning there begins with the sound of 'Azaan', followed by the ringing of bells at the Hanuman temple and then the hymns of Kirtan at Gurudwara and this manifests how rich India is," said Akbar adding that this was never imposed by the Britishers or by any of the government.
Blaming British India for its hypocrisy and double standards, Akbar said, "Under various Islamic emperors' reign, religion though was an important part of life, but it never dominated the public sphere while the Britishers, who know nothing about us, imposed policies that promoted the predominance of religion in the public sphere and whose effects can still be felt across the country and globe."
He also said that post World War-I, the British and their allies had control over the Muslim nations. So, why is that that they sowed the seeds of hatred and anxiety in the minds and hearts of Indian Muslims, asked Akbar? "British and their allies created an atmosphere of fear and anxiety in Indian Muslims that they are under a threat, which sowed the seeds of separatism" and added that "Minority syndrome was carried by British and its allies."