Mumbai: The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Saturday filed a 200-page charge sheet against comedian Bharti Singh and her husband Harsh Limbachiya in a drug recovery case. The actor-writer couple duo was arrested on November 21 by the NCB, which raided the production office and house of Bharti Singh and from both places, 86.5 gms of ganja was allegedly recovered.
A court in Mumbai sent the couple to judicial custody the next day. However, they were later released on bail after two days by the magistrate court on a bond of Rs 15,000 each. Pertinently, the Mumbai NCB had suspended two of its officers linked to the drug probe. They were suspended after their failure to appear for the bail application hearing of the accused. The two were booked under sections 20(b)(ii)(A) (involves the small quantity of drugs) and 8(c) (possession of drugs) and 27 (consumption of drugs) of the NDPS Act.