Chamarajanagar(Karnataka): Legislative Council Opposition Leader BK Hariprasad claimed on Thursday that "Muhammad Ali Jinnah and VD Savarkar both are the same as both of them were atheists and yet they contributed to the country's development to the most while BJP and Sangha Parivar promote Hindutva for further development of the country."
Congress leader BK Hariprasad, who spoke about the campaign to place Savarkar's portrait at Ganeshotsava in Gundlupete, said it is ridiculous to take an atheist and place him in the place of a believer. "They are doing it for political gains without knowing their history," he said and added, "Both Jinnah and Veer Savarkar were atheists and together they have brought the country to its development," he added.
"BJP has no moral right to talk about the unity and integrity of the country as Mahatama Gandhi introduced the concept of secular India. BJP has polluted the country by politicizing language, religion, and caste while the Congress government has never carried out any Yatra and riot, murder, and extortion like BJP," he added.
Hariprasad alleged BJP executed communal riots followed by their 'Yatras' while Congress carries out Yatras like 'Bharat Jodo Yatra' while aiming to unite the divided minds of the country. "India is surrounded with real patriots on one side and Sangha Parivar, the fake patriots on another side," he continued.
"BJP has been operating the Central government for eight years and the Karnataka government for the last three years and yet the government failed to protect the citizens especially women of the state, no support to the farmers has been provided and even no compensation for flood-damaged sectors have been provided," Hariprasad alleged.