Chikkamagaluru: A mother-daughter duo reunited after 22 years in Chikkamagaluru district of Karnataka. About 30 years ago, Chaitra the mother who came from Tamil Nadu to Mudigere in Chikkamagaluru seeking work. She had a 9-year-old daughter named Anjali when she was offered work at a coffee estate here.
Little Anjali went out of the home and she forgot the way back to her home. A Kerala-based mahout (an elephant rider or trainer or keeper) saw the child who was crying and searching for her home. The mahout tried to get hold of the girl's address but couldn't retrieve it. He did not know what to do with the girl and where to keep her.
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In a humane approach towards the girl child, he took her to Kerala along with him and brought her up as his own child. The mahout also got Anjali married to an eligible groom. Three years back, Anjali started searching for her mother. She met and told her story to Mangaluru-based social workers named Fishmonu and Mustafar. With the help of these social workers, Anjali has finally succeeded in finding her mother at the same place Mudigere, where she went missing.