Unnao (Uttar Pradesh): A man in the Unnao district of Uttar Pradesh allegedly slit his throat on Friday night “due to fear of police” after his wife approached the local police station with a complaint against him, his relative said on Saturday. The victim Rajesh, a resident of Prem Ganj Mohalla located in the Bangarmau Kotwali area of the district was shifted to a local CHC in Bangarmau from where he was referred to the Unnao district hospital in a critical condition, Dr Ashok Verma, who attended to Rajesh at CHC Bangarmau said.
Also read: Prisoner slits throat in front of judge, says officials torture him
According to a relative of Rajesh, the latter's wife had recently approached the local police station with a complaint after an argument with Rajesh. Following the complaint, the cops from the local police station visited Rajesh's house for questioning after which he was “terrified”, said the relative. He said that Rajesh had also called his parents living in Chandigarh about the argument. However before the parents could reach Unnao, Rajesh took the extreme step to slit his throat, added the relative. A comment by the local police was not immediately available.