Pune: The police, along with locals on Wednesday, rescued an infant found dumped inside a women's public toilet in Maharashtra's Pune. The incident took place at Tukainagar in Wadgaon Budruk in the Sinhagad Road area where the infant was spotted in a toilet bowl inside a women's public toilet. The newborn was later admitted to Sassoon Hospital for treatment. It is said that the woman gave birth to the infant at the toilet out of an illicit relationship and placed it in the toilet bowl.
Also read: TN: Infant found dumped in bushes, rescued
The police received a call from the Control Room about the incident at around 8 am on Wednesday. Immediately, police officers Ajay Mali and Katte of Sinhagad Road police station rushed to the spot and rescued the infant found crying in the toilet bowl with the help of locals. Police tried to get the baby out of the toilet bowl, but it was difficult to get the baby out as it was half stuck in the pot and was also bleeding. Later, the rescuers pulled the baby out of the toilet with great difficulty. The baby was admitted to Sassoon Hospital for further treatment.