Mumbai: As the loudspeakers controversy heated up in Maharashtra after Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray asked the state government to remove the loudspeakers from mosques, Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar on Thursday said that the government will discuss the order of the court and will talk to the Home Minister Dilip Walse Patil about it. "Regarding loudspeakers, we had said that we will discuss the order of the court. I had said earlier that we will talk to the Home Minister about it," he said.
Earlier, Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut had also said that the Maharashtra Home Minister has also given the notice to maintain the decibel level for Azaan. The debate sparked after the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray asked the state government to remove the loudspeakers from mosques and warned of "putting loudspeakers in front of the mosques and play Hanuman Chalisa". "I am not against prayers, you can pray at your home, but the government should take a decision on removing mosque loudspeakers.
Also read: Everyone should comply with K'taka HC's order on loudspeaker usage, says Kharge
I am warning you now... Remove loudspeakers or else will put loudspeakers in front of the mosque and play Hanuman Chalisa." Additionally, Thackeray also appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to raid the mosques in the Muslim areas in Mumbai and said that the people living there are "Pakistani supporters". "I appeal to PM Modi to raid the Madarasas at the Muslim shanties.
Pakistani supporters are residing in these shanties. Mumbai Police knows what's happening there...Our MLAs using them for vote-bank, such people don't even have Aadhar Card, but the MLAs get them made," he said.