Nashik: Former Maharashtra minister and senior Nationalist Congress Party leader Chhagan Bhujbal on Tuesday said he has tested positive for COVID-19. Earlier, he had contracted the viral infection when the pandemic was at its peak. The NCP leader shared on Twitter the news about his health. He was recently on a tour of Yeola, his assembly constituency in Nashik district.
Bhujbal said he had a fever when he was returning to Nashik from Yeola. He underwent a test for coronavirus on Monday which came positive. The NCP leader appealed to all those who had come in contact with him in the past 2-3 days to go for COVID tests if they have symptoms like fever, breathing difficulties, runny nose and a sore throat.
The ex-minister also urged citizens to wear a mask and use hand sanitisers. Nashik district on Tuesday reported 11 new cases, taking the overall infections in the district to 4,82,642, officials said. Maharashtra on Monday reported 205 fresh COVID-19 cases, which took the state's tally to 81,42,059, while the death toll stood unchanged at 1,48,435, an official had said. (PTI)