New Delhi: Acrimonious scenes were witnessed in the Lok Sabha, which almost boiled over to a confrontation between Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury and Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal on Thursday. During heated exchanges, the Commerce Minister even taunted the opposition members for wearing black clothes, which they wore as a mark of protest against the Manipur violence.
Earlier, Lok Sabha proceedings were adjourned till 2 pm following protests by opposition MPs on the Manipur issue within minutes into the resumption of the session on day 6, on Thursday. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla appealed to the members to let the House function in vain. He pointed out that the entire world can see their behaviour.
It is pertinent to note that Congress has thrown a moral challenge at all the Lok Sabha members to take a personal stand. The ruling party members and those in their alliance will have to take a personal stand so that they will stand with the people of Manipur when the House debates and votes on the no-confidence Motion against the Modi government.
Parliamentarians from various opposition parties who are part of the INDIA alliance were seen wearing black dresses on Thursday as a mark of protest against the ruling party for not debating on Manipur. The members were also protesting the delay in taking up the debate of their no confidence motion moved against the Narendra Modi-led government in the Centre. As urged by the leaders of the opposition parties, the Opposition MPs turned up to the session in their blacks on Thursday.