New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah is not often seen cracking jokes in Parliament. But the Lok Sabha on Monday saw a different side of Shah, known for his somber and often stern behavior. Responding to Opposition MPs' question on why they were being scolded, Shah said that his voice is a bit loud adding that it's his "manufacturing defect." His remark left the House in splits.
During a debate over the Criminal Procedure Identification Bill 2022, Trinamool Congress MP, Saugata Roy said that the "Bill details are not there" to which Shah replied, "you will not see it because you are not in the government." He also said that the government is still preparing the bill. "If you were in the government, you would have definitely seen it," said Shah following which the Opposition MPs asked why were they being scolded.
Instead of his usual sarcastic way of responding to the Opposition's criticism, the Union Home Minister, with a big smile on his face, said that he never scolds anyone. "My voice is a bit high. It's my manufacturing defect. I rarely get angry. Only when someone raises the Kashmir issue, I get angry," said Shah. His remarks generated a roar of laughter in the House.