New Delhi: After recently making strong statements against the Supreme Court for its verdict on Zakia Jafri and PMLA case verdicts, Rajya Sabha MP and Senior Advocate Kapil Sibal has once again raised concerns regarding the institution during one of the hearings on Tuesday. He was arguing in one of the cases before a bench comprising Justice Ajay Rastogi and Justice BV Nagaratha.
"We have great regard for the chair that you sit on. This is a marriage that cannot be broken between the bar and the bench, there is no separation here and once we realise what is happening sometimes at this end and sometimes at the other end, it disturbs a man like me, who has given his life to this court," said Sibal.
Justice Ajay Rastogi said that they always feel that the bar and bench are the wheels of one chariot but in reality where one wheel goes and where the other, nobody knows. Justice Rastogi replied, "We always say that the bar and bench are the wheels of the chariot but the ground reality is, these are two wheels god knows where the one wheel goes and where the other wheel will go while the chariot remains somewhere….. But still Mr. Sibal, end of the day we have to find out we all are concerned in this institution and this institution has given us…..So our request to the bar and to us also is to introspect as to how will we be able to to sustain in such a nation where the faith of the common people may not be eroded, to the contrary it must be restored".
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Sibal said that it can only happen when the bar and the bench both follow the rules of the game. "If I come to the court and I am confident that, no matter what, whether it goes against me, it really doesn't matter. I was heard, the other law was rightly applied without fear and favour. If these three things happen the trust will be restored. It doesn't matter whether we lose or win, it doesn't matter, it's the confidence that we have in the institution that matters, that is slowly being eroded," said Sibal.
"What the losing side feels is more important than what the winning side feels. Losing side must also go back satisfied," said Justice BV Nagaratha. Kapil Sibal is one of the senior lawyers in the Supreme Court and has given more than 50 years to the judiciary.