New Delhi: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai, on Thursday, concluded his 2-day visit to Delhi. During his stay in the national capital, Bommai met Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) top brass including party president JP Nadda and Home Minister Amit Shah to discuss the cabinet expansion of his eight-month-old government. "My Delhi visit this time was very successful as I met Union Ministers for Water Resources, Energy, Environment, Finance, and Defence. I have received a positive response from them," Bommai told media persons in Delhi on the completion of the visit.
Bommai said he also got an opportunity to participate in BJP's Foundation Day celebrations. He said that the BJP State Executive Committee meeting is scheduled to be held on April 16 and 17 and BJP National President JP Nadda has instructed the party to prepare for the next assembly election. He also informed about the brief discussion on Cabinet expansion, where Nadda has stated that he would discuss the issue in detail when he arrives to participate in the BJP State Executive Committee meeting.
"He (Nadda) would take a final decision after consulting the party top brass and the BJP National General Secretary (Organisation)," Bommai added.
Declaring the implementation of Budget programs as his priority, the Karnataka CM said, "Work orders would be issued for the programs on my return to Bengaluru. The programs would be implemented in a time-bound manner."
Also read: Will take place 'pretty shortly': K'taka CM on Cabinet expansion