New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal hosted a sanitation worker and his family from Gujarat over lunch at his residence here on Monday, officials said. Harsh Solanki, a sanitation worker from Gujarat, along with his family were escorted from the airport by senior AAP leader and Rajya Sabha member Raghav Chadha. The special guests also visited a Delhi government school and a hospital.
Also read: Kejriwal, Mann to meet sanitation, contractual workers & youth in Gujarat today
Solanki presented a portrait of B R Ambedkar to Kejriwal, and Solanki also said, "Delhi's government schools are one of the best in the country and also the Mohalla clinic concept by the Delhi government where they provide free medical support. I wish to have schools and Mohalla clinics like Delhi in Gujarat too."
During the Aam Aadmi Party's (AAP) town hall meeting with sanitation workers, predominantly from the Dalit community, in Ahmedabad on Sunday, Solanki invited Kejriwal to have dinner at his house. In a statement, Kejriwal had said he would host Solanki and his family at his residence over lunch.
Also read: Row over Kejriwal's dinner at auto driver's home in Gujarat; BJP calls him actor
"Tomorrow I shall host Harsh Ji at my house in Delhi and have lunch with him. His presence will bless my house. I feel honored that he has accepted my invitation," the chief minister had said on Sunday.