Srinagar (J&K): In a heartwarming gesture, members of the Kashmiri pandit and Sikh community on Saturday welcomed the first batch of incoming Hajis at Srinagar’s Sheikh ul Alam International Airport. The first batch of 145 pilgrims returned on Saturday from Saudi Arabia. The airport was reverberated by the chants of Kashmiri naat (Islamic hymns praising the Holy Prophet) sung by the Kashmiri pandits in a gesture to welcome their Muslim brethren.
"Our Kashmiri Pandits welcoming Hajis at Srinagar airport today by singing traditional Naat seeking the blessings of the Prophet. This is our syncretic culture believers of Islam are enablers of Amarnath Yatra & the followers of Shaivism are messengers for unity," Mohit Bhan, PDP leader tweeted.
Pertinently, the first batch, which landed at 7.50 am, was received by Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, P K Pole, DIG Central Kashmir Range Sujit Kumar, Deputy Commissioner Budgam, and J&K Executive Officer Haj Committee Abdul Salaam Mir. This year, 80,000 pilgrims from India performed Hajj. Among these, 7,000 pilgrims are from Jammu And Kashmir.