Bengaluru: Karnataka Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Friday said police have started an investigation into the allegations of BJP MLA Arvind Bellad regarding 'phone tapping' and attempts to fix him as part of a conspiracy.
"Arvind Bellad had yesterday written a letter to DG and Speaker of the Karnataka assembly. It has been referred to the Police Commissioner. He has assured a fair investigation in the case," Bommai said. Bellad, one of the main detractors of Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa and BJP MP from Hubli-Dharwad West constituency on Thursday said that he believes that his phone is being tapped and he is constantly being followed.
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Bellad had recently made repeated visits to Delhi to meet national leaders and express the concern of some legislators over Yediyurappa's style of functioning and requested them to rein in the Chief Minister. His visits to Delhi along with Tourism Minister CP Yogeshwar had triggered speculation about attempts within the BJP to unseat Yediyurappa.
Meanwhile, Bengaluru City Police Commissioner Kamal Pant has made it clear that the Cubbon Park ACP Yatiraj has been instructed to investigate the allegations made by Bellad.
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