Vijayapura: Following last year's tradition, Sangyaa Patri and her family in Karnataka's Nidagundi celebrated their pet dog Tiger's third birthday today with pomp and show. The family gifted a 25-gram gold chain to Tiger and around 200 people were fed.
A three-layer cake was cut for the pet and Tiger was made to wear a cute birthday hat. The house was decorated with balloons and decor items and people gathered in large numbers to join the occasion.
Patri, mother of three children, shares an affable relation with her pet and considers Tiger as his fourth son. Last year, around 500 people were invited for the celebration but, this year owing to COVID, the party was not organised on a large scale. Last year, the family gave 50-gram gold to Tiger on its birthday.
The family brought the dog from Gadag three years ago and are extremely fond of it.