Mangaluru (Karnataka): Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Tuesday said that he has directed the police to ensure a speedy and transparent investigation into the death of contractor Santosh Patil. Speaking at a press conference in Mangaluru, the Chief Minister said, "According to preliminary information, his body has been found in a lodge in Udupi. Police have initiated action based on the FIR and the investigation is on. The Police have been given a free hand for an honest and transparent probe. Let the truth come out." "I have instructed the police officers to ensure a systematic, speedy, honest, and transparent investigation with assistance from the Forensic Lab," Bommai said, adding that he would speak to the minister about this and after that would decide on the next course of action.
On allegations against minister KS Eshwarappa in the case, Bommai said, "Eshwarappa has denied the allegation. The minister had filed a defamation case against Santosh who had levelled the charge and the investigation will bring out the truth." Meanwhile, Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra said a fair inquiry and investigation is going on in contractor Santosh Patil's death case. "A free and fair investigation will be done by investigating officers, the truth will come out after investigation, we must wait till investigation completes." Santosh Patil, a BJP leader and contractor was found dead in a lodge in Udupi on Tuesday. Patil had recently accused Karnataka Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Minister KS Eshwarappa of corruption.
Replying to a question on the ban on non-Hindus doing business near temple premises and the activities of some outfits which could tarnish his own image, Bommai said, "a few untoward incidents have happened in the coastal region. The state government has taken tough measures against those elements and outfits who incited communal passions. The state government has taken action in the recent incidents of an attack on a watermelon vendor, the murder in Shivamogga, and the incidents in Kolar. The state government has acted without any bias."
Ahead of the BJP State Executive Committee meeting to be held on April 16 and 17, Bommai said, "Organizational targets have been set for party leaders from the booth level to those heading various Morchas in each district. The party is gaining strength through the disciplined and dedicated work of party workers in the Coastal region. BJP will win maximum seats in the Coastal region in the coming days." Bommai said that the BJP will face the Assembly elections next year on the basis of the development works of its government. "The welfare of the fishermen, community development, tourism development, industrialization, and the hard work of our party workers will help the party do well."
On the other hand, as contractor Santosh Patil's death case created a ruckus in Karnataka politics, serious allegations are being made against the Minister of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj KS Eshwarappa. Santosh Patil's wife Jayashree Patil alleged 'death of my husband is not suicide, it is murder' and demanded that the Minister be punished for her husband's death.
She added that her husband told her about the commission scam of Minister Eshwarappa and that the latter had demanded 40% commission for the Rs 4 crore work which was done. "We built our home dream by taking loans. It was my husband's dream home. We named our name home Kanasu ( Dream House) and decided to organise the housewarming ceremony after receiving the project bill money. But now he left everyone. My son has become an orphan. We need justice," Jayashree Patil lamented. Parvatamma, Santosh Patil's mother said, 'I want my son, he is not a suicidal person. I want justice for my son's death'.