Dharwad (Karnataka): At least 150 students who were stranded in a government high school were rescued on Thursday. The incident happened in Amagaragol village in the Dharwad district of Karnataka. The school started to flood when the downpour started around 3 p.m. as the nearby rivulet overflowed due to torrential rains on Thursday.
The rains continued to fall as the teachers and students waited for the downpour to stop. The school looked like an island as the neighbouring rivulet overflowed. The teachers had a tough time keeping the students inside their respective classrooms.
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An officer of the Belavatagi Panchayat Development said the officials rushed to the spot to make arrangements for the safety of the children and supply food and water to them. The level of water had been rapidly rising to dangerous levels and officials, who had established contact with the teachers and instructed them not to permit children to enter the water.
Officials were able to rescue the stranded children and teachers by nightfall when the floodwaters subsided. Locals, police and the panchayat official were all involved in the rescue operation, said a PDO official.