Ranchi: The Jharkhand High Court on Friday deferred the hearing on Lalu Yadav's bail plea in the Doranda treasury fodder scam case, directing Prasad's advocate to rectify the error in the petition. The High Court bench was headed by Justice Aparesh Kumar Singh.
The development took place after Justice Aparesh Kumar Singh heard arguments of both sides in the matter in his court.
The case arose after the CBI court convicted Prasad on February 15 for his role in a fodder scam involving Rs 139.5 crore of Doranda treasury. On February 21 the court awarded him five-year imprisonment and imposed a Rs 60 lakh fine for his crime.
Seeking relief from the sentence, Lalu had knocked on Jharkhand High Court’s doors on February 24. The ailing leader pleaded before the high court seeking suspension of his sentence in the matter and asked for bail on health grounds. His counsel has also argued that he has served half of the term of the sentence awarded to him.
Though sentenced to imprisonment, Yadav is currently admitted to the paying ward of the RIMS hospital because of some health issues. Yadav's doctors have reportedly diagnosed him with 17 severe diseases, with his growing age also a crucial factor contributing to the threats to his life.
Also read: SC to hear plea against bail to Ashish Misra in Lakhimpur Kheri case on March 11