New Delhi: Janata Dal (United) leader Madhaw Anand on Tuesday said that the imposition of lockdown in Bihar will help the state in breaking the chain of coronavirus and urged the Opposition to stay united in the fight against the pandemic.
To reduce the rapid surge in coronavirus infections in the state, the Nitish Kumar government has decided to impose a complete lockdown in the state till May 15.
In a video message, Anand said that Bihar had secured victory over the deadly virus during the first wave and would secure victory this time too.
Further, he asked the Opposition parties to get united in these tough times and urged them to help the government in dealing with the crisis.
There has been a steady increase in the number of Covid-19 infected patients in Bihar. The number of active Covid patients has reached 1,07,667 after 11,407 new cases were reported in the state on Monday. As many as 82 infected people have died in the state during the last 24 hours.
Significantly, there was a continuous demand in the state for a complete lockdown. The Indian Medical Association (IMA), business organisations, and several opposition parties have demanded a complete lockdown.