Jaipur: A designated NIA court here on Tuesday sent another accused arrested in the case of tailor Kanhaiya Lal's killing in Udaipur to the agency's custody till July 12. The accused, Mohammad Mohsin, was presented before the court by a National Investigation Agency (NIA) team amid tight security arrangements. "After the hearing of the case, the court remanded Mohammad Mohsin in the NIA's custody till July 12," Special Public Prosecutor TP Sharma said.
Also read: Thousands take part in demonstration at Jaipur to protest killing of tailor
Sources said Mohsin was arrested on Monday for his alleged involvement in the conspiracy to kill Lal and in carrying out a reconnaissance of his shop. On July 2, the main accused -- Riaz Akhtari and Ghouse Mohammad -- who were arrested hours after they allegedly hacked Lal to death on June 28, and two other accused -- Mohsin and Asif -- who were arrested on June 30 for allegedly being involved in the conspiracy to kill the tailor and in carrying out a reconnaissance of his shop, were produced in the designated court, which is a special CBI court in Jaipur, amid tight security arrangements. The court had sent them to the NIA's custody till July 12. (PTI)