Patna: Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Tejashwi Yadav launched a scathing attack on the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for carrying out the demolition drive in Delhi's Jahangirpuri area yesterday and said that such incidents are orchestrated when the party loses the elections. Notably, the BJP faced a defeat in the recently concluded by-polls in four states including West Bengal, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, and Maharashtra. Speaking to the reporters here, Tejashwi said, "There are no discussions on high unemployment in the country.
The incidents of demolition are orchestrated when the BJP loses by-elections in various states. The BJP and RSS are continuing their tradition of spreading hatred on religious lines. The incident is highly condemnable. It is a testimony of the direction in which our country is heading."
Also read: Arms supplier of Delhi's Jahangirpuri held in encounter
Referring to the Galwan incident in 2020, the RJD leader alleged that no action was taken by the Indian government against China then but bulldozers are being used now on our citizens on the basis of religion. "Even after the interference of the Supreme Court, an anti-encroachment drive was taking place in Jahangirpuri and an excuse of the communication gap was given. China has entered inside India but no action is being taken on it whereas bulldozers are being run on the basis of religion," he said.
Earlier, BJP-led North Delhi Municipal Corporation had launched an "encroachment removal action program", however, the Supreme Court ordered to maintain a "status-quo" on the demolition drive for another two weeks.