Jammu: With the Yatris not turning up, the Amarnath Yatra remained suspended from Bhagwati Nagar Jammu base camp for the 3rd day on Monday, officials said. They said the Yatra remained suspended from Jammu due to the non-availability of an adequate number of Yatris. Since Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha appealed to the yatris to visit the Amarnath cave shrine before August 5 given a “forecast of inclement weather”, the Yatra has virtually concluded.
However, the yatra is officially scheduled to end on August 11 on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan. As per officials, nearly three lakh Yatris visited the cave shrine this year. The Yatra began on June 29, from Jammu amid tight security arrangements made by the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) along with the army and the local police.
The Amarnath shrine pilgrimage to the 3,880-metre-high cave shrine of Lord Shiva, located in the upper reaches of the Himalayas, is held from the twin routes of Pahalgam and Baltal.
Also read: Amarnath Yatra virtually over: Here is why no new pilgrims are allowed to move to Srinagar