Lucknow: Amid, the counting of votes in Uttar Pradesh on Thursday, the Intelligence Bureau (IB) has submitted a report to the UP Home Department. The report stated the possibility of violence in the seventeen districts of Uttar Pradesh.
The main districts where the IB has expressed the possibility of violence and disturbance include Kanpur, Moradabad, Saharanpur, Sambhal, Meerut, Bijnor, Jaunpur, and Azamgarh. According to the IB report, the losing candidates can instigate the workers.
UP Home Department and UP Police are on the alert after the report and have deployed forces in the region.
The report claims that the candidates who are lagging behind in the counting of votes can incite violence by spreading rumors among the workers. Consequently, the activists can carry out incidents of sabotage and violence.
The Director-General of Police has instructed the police captains of all the districts that the atmosphere of the state should not deteriorate under any circumstance and strict action should be taken against whoever is indulging in violence.
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