New Delhi: A few hours after the detection and safe detonation of an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in Delhi's Ghazipur flower market on Friday, an FIR has been registered under provisions of the Explosive Act by the Delhi Police. The Central agencies have received intelligence inputs on attempts to cause a major explosion ahead of Republic Day celebrations on January 26 and are working alongside the police to trace those involved in the incident.
According to police sources, the detection of the IED indicates that the terror modules are actively attempting to target the capital. It is learnt that the Delhi Police have also received inputs from the intelligence agencies to remain alert in the coming days.
Also read: Grenade detected and defused in old Srinagar
Fire officials said they were first informed about the unattended bag - which is known to have weighed around 3 kg - in the flower market at 10:19 am, leading to the Delhi Police Special Cell, National Security Guard (NSG) as well as fire officials soon reaching the spot and cordoning off the area. "We were informed by the Delhi Police about the suspicious object around 11 am. The IED has been destroyed by using a controlled explosion technique. The samples of the IED have been collected and the explosive will be ascertained and informed to the Delhi Police," an NSG official said.
Efforts are on to identify the people or organisations behind the act. CCTV cameras in the area are being scanned to figure out who had left the bag carrying the IED on a scooter.
(with Agency inputs)