Palakkad (Kerala): In an unfortunate incident, Deepika (28), a native of Coimbatore, was hacked to death by her husband Avinash (30) at their residence in Karakurussi in Palakkad, on Thursday, while the police have booked the accused.
According to the police, "Deepika had stopped Avinash from kissing their one-and-a-half-year-old son without brushing his teeth. After an argument, he smashed his wife with a machete, seriously injuring her on the neck and head. Neighbors rushed the victim first to the Perinthalmanna MES hospital and then to the MES Cooperative Hospital while she succumbed to her injuries."
Avinash, who was working as a supporting supervisor in an Airforce Civil Contracting company, had relocated to Karakurissi with his family.