Bilaspur: An emotional moment was captured in Himachal Pradesh's Bilaspur on Friday, as Ram Lal Thakur, the Working Vice President of the state Congress committee, resigned from his post. A clip of the same displays Thakur in a sombre state of mind, describing the reasoning behind such a step but breaking down midway through his statement.
"A chaotic situation has come upon us. The old president (of the state unit) leaves, and a new president takes over. However, The old executive committee continues instead of a new committee being put in place.
I thank Sonia Gandhi for making me the head of Election Management Committee in AICC. I would like to continue there, but will not involve myself in this mess anymore. I would like to resign from my position as the Vice President" Thakur said.
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"I don't enjoy this 'jumbo-jet' of a structure, having four working Vice Presidents at a time. If the High Command wants me to work for the party, I will. But if it feels I have stood in the queue of MLAs who want to become the next Chief Minister, in that case ..." he is seen saying, before seen fighting back tears.
"I have always worked taking into account orders from the party" Thakur further said. He noted that fighting assembly elections were not much work, but he was not like people who 'came and went' from Congress based on their convenience.
The comments come at a time when the grand old party has implemented changes in the HPCC, establishing four Working Presidents and Working Vice Presidents apart from having a permanent President and VP in place.