Lucknow: Samajwadi Party leader and one of the party's co-founders, Azam Khan, was granted bail on Tuesday by the Allahabad High Court in connection with a land grab case. The Lucknow bench of the HC, comprising Justice Ramesh Sinha, granted bail to Khan, who will, however, continue to be lodged in jail as judgment in two cases against him is reserved. He is currently lodged at Sitapur Jail in Uttar Pradesh
The SP leader's plea was earlier rejected by the special MP-MLA court back on February 16. Khan is also accused of misusing the government letterhead and stamp to malign the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), during his tenure as a minister in 2014.
Also read: Uttar Pradesh: FIR against SP candidate for 'assaulting' BJP booth in-charge