Hisar (Haryana): Coming out in defense of Haryana deputy speaker Ranbir Singh Gangwa and other leaders who were making a beeline to attend Satsang (religious discourse), Haryana BJP president Om Prakash Dhankhar while talking to reporters at the party office on Friday, said, "Faith is a personal matter and we cannot stop anybody. Suppose he or she has faith in seers or other well-known personalities. People used to have unquestionable faith in personalities."
Speaking further, he said, "Scores of people have faith in Dera chief and we cannot prevent anybody from following him. In BJP, several leaders have faith in different gods and goddesses and personalities like seers. Hence, faith is an individual matter and cannot be regulated by any political party or government."
Elaborating further, Dhankhar said, "Dera chief has already been facing jail term for the crime he had committed. Law is taking its course. Ram Rahim has been behind bars for a long time. Whereas the government's functioning is secular so it cannot prevent anybody from believing in someone."