Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir government issued a show-cause notice to an employee of the Forest Department, who complained about the unavailability of electricity during winters. The Power Development Department of the state seems to have taken a strong offence over the criticism by this citizen.
The Forest Department Employee registered his worry on social media suggesting that electricity outages during winters are a grave issue and also become an obstacle in the online classes of children amid the ongoing pandemic. The Power Development Department authorities sent him a notice citing the violation of Section 18 of the Jammu and Kashmir Employees (Conduct Rules) 1971. The authorities, after sending him a show-cause notice, have asked him to explain his position within three days, or action will be taken against him for the violation.
The administration has been going stricter against its employees and so far, more than 20 employees have been sacked on charges of anti-national activities or corruption. A layman's complaint about lack of facilities in the freezing winter was met with a show-cause notice
The government has intensified surveillance of people and employees who use social media for the last few years, making criticism a crime in Jammu and Kashmir.
Also read: Rain, snowfall disrupt life in Kashmir