New Delhi: Union Minister Giriraj Singh talking to ETV Bharat said that PM's security lapse was not a mere coincidence and it was meant to trap PM Modi in the well of death. He was saved by the grace of Mahadev.
Giriraj said that the PM could have been killed with a drone or a telescopic gun. In the investigation, if conducted properly, the names of the Chief Minister of Punjab and many top leaders will be wired up in the conspiracy.
There is outrage across the country due to the incident. People will never forgive Punjab Government and Congress. Punjab government should be dismissed and President's rule should be imposed, he added.
Earlier on January 5, there was a huge lapse in the security of PM Modi near Hussainiwala in Firozpur, Punjab. The Prime Minister's convoy was stuck on the flyover for 20 minutes due to the protesters blocking the way. After this, the Special Protection Group (SPG) posted for the protection of the Prime Minister took over.
After the security lapse, PM Modi canceled the rally and returned to Bathinda airport. At the airport, he told the officials to tell his CM that he was able to return alive. BJP is saying that there is a Congress government in Punjab and Congress had hatched a big conspiracy against PM Modi which failed. BJP alleges that the protesters were deliberately sent in the way of the PM.
Also Read: Sonia Gandhi seeks report from Punjab CM on PM's security lapse