New Delhi: Four people riding in an autorikshaw were killed in a road accident near Indira Gandhi Stadium in central Delhi on Friday night. The accident occurred when a trolley container overturned on the auto with three people onboard it, including the rickshaw driver. All four lost their lives on the spot, while the IP State Police Station has registered a case regarding the incident.
According to the information, the accident happened late night near gate number 16 of Indira Gandhi Stadium. The party or person accountable for the accident has not yet been pointed at, since it occurred due to imbalance between the two vehicles. Meanwhile, the trolley carrying the container has been confiscated by the police.
Presently, the police are trying to identify the dead. Efforts are also being made to gather information about the driver of the trolley who fled from the spot.The dead bodies of the four deceased in the incident have been sent for postmortem.