New Delhi: Four confirmed cases of Monkeypox disease three from Kerala and one from Delhi have been reported in the country as of July 27, Minister of State for Health Bharati Pravin Pawar told the Lok Sabha on Friday. No death due to Monkeypox disease has been reported in the country, Pawar said in a written reply.
There is an increasing trend in the trajectory of COVID-19 cases in certain states and UTs, since May 2022, he said. According to the current guidelines for International arrivals issued on February 10, 2022, international travelers to India have required to either upload a negative RT-PCR test report or upload a COVID-19 vaccination completion certificate on the Air Suvidha portal, Pawar said responding to a question.
Also read: Task force to be set up to provide guidance to govt on tackling monkeypox
A subsection (2 per cent of the total passengers in a flight) is required to undergo random testing on arrival in India. The Union Health Ministry provides required technical support to all states and Union Territories and has stipulated to them public health actions. The ministry also provides requisite support to the states and UTs to enhance preparedness and response capacities against COVID-19.
They have been allocated funds to meet any exigency due to the resurgence of COVID cases in the country, he said. The states have been granted such money through National Health Mission, State Disaster Response Funds (SDRF), Emergency COVID19 Response and Preparedness packages I and II, and PM - Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission, Pawar said in his reply. (PTI)