Mumbai: An FIR has been filed against Sameer Wakhende, the controversial former NCB Zonal Director (Mumbai) at the Kopri police station of Thane district for getting a liquor license for his bar by allegedly furnishing false information. The FIR against Sameer Wankhede was lodged around 8 p.m. on Saturday.
"Wankhede is the owner of Sadguru Family Restaurant and Bar, which is situated in Vasi. On October 29, 1997 the liquor license to serve liquor at a bar was obtained. Mr Wankhede allegedly furnished fake information regarding his date of birth. At the time when the liquor licence was obtained, Wankhede was 17 years and eleven months old whereas to get the liquor license one should be a major," said a source.
In November, Nawab Malik, the NCP leader and Maharashtra government minister, had levelled allegations against Sameer Wankhede. He had said that Sameer ran a restaurant and a bar in the Vasi area of Navi Mumbai, but he got the license to serve liquor by furnishing false information.
Earlier, in this row the national commission for Scheduled Caste had said that an FIR should be lodged against Nawab Malik. The Commission had said that it was Wankhede who was being harassed. Now, the row has escalated as Wankhede has been booked by the Thane Police. Wankhede is currently posted with DRI.
With Agency Inputs