Jaipur: A 23-year-old fashion designer from the Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh has accused a man of raping her on the pretext of marriage in Jaipur. The woman who has lodged a complaint with the Karni Vihar police station alleged that after raping her on the pretext of marriage, the accused Zishan Khan, a resident of Ramganj has married another woman in Mumbai.
Karni Vihar Police Officer Jaisingh Basera said that the victim has been working as a fashion designer since 2019. She met Zishan in the year 2020. She accused the man of befriending her and raping her on the pretext of marriage. However, the woman came to know that Zishan had gone to Mumbai and married another woman there.
When she called him, Zishan intimidated her with death threats. Following a complaint by the woman, police have started searching for the accused by registering a case.
Also read: Two minor girls raped in separate incidents in Rajasthan