Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister and TRS chief K Chandrashekar Rao, who has recently intensified his offensive against the Central Government, found another ally on Tuesday, as former Prime Minister and Janata Dal (Secular) president, H D Deve Gowda declared his support to KCR. He congratulated KCR for fighting against BJP and its alleged polarization politics.
Earlier on Tuesday, Gowda had spoken to KCR over the phone. "Rao Saab, you are fighting very well. Everyone should fight against the communal elements. To protect our country's secularism, culture and its diverse culture we will be with you and support you. Continue your fight and our total support will be there for you," Gowda was quoted saying in a TRS press release. The Telangana CM informed the former PM that he will come to Bangalore soon and hold a meeting.
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