New Delhi: Former Chairman of Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission Major General Dharam Vir Singh Rana joined the Congress party, on Wednesday. The former General has been awarded Visisht Sewa Medal in 2004, Sena Medal in 2011 and Ati Vishisht Sewa Medal in 2015 by the President of India. He was appointed by Himachal Pradesh Government as Chairman of HP Public Services Commission on 16th May 2017, after his retirement from the armed forces.
He joined the Congress party in the presence of senior Congress leaders Rajeev Shukla and Pawan Kumar Bansal. During his joining ceremony, Congress leader Rajeev Shukla said, "I hope that with his efforts, a very good message will definitely be sent in Himachal Pradesh not only among the ex-servicemen but also among the general public and the victory of Congress will definitely be ensured in the next elections. He has come from the Kangra region and in Solan and Palampur he has a tremendous influence in the whole area."
Major General Rana called Congress a symbol of nationalism and secularism by mentioning that it was Congress under whose regime India won battles of 1965 and 1971.
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