Ranchi: For Vijayalakshmi and her parents Diwali celebrations started on Monday, the day NEET-2021 results were announced. A student of Jawahar Vidya Mandir, Shyamali from Jharkhand's Ranchi, Vijayalakshmi topped at the state level. Following the announcement of results, there has been an increase in the influx of well-wishers at her house wishing her for the stupendous performance as the prestigious exams.
In an exclusive conversation with ETV Bharat correspondent Bhuvan Kishore Jha, the NEET-2021 Jharkhand topper said that her family wanted her to be a doctor from the very beginning.
"Especially my grandfather wanted to see me become a doctor. If he would have been alive today, he would have been the happiest," Vijayalakshmi said, adding that the credit for this success goes to her parents.
Originally from Chapra in Bihar, Vijayalakshmi used to do self-study for 7-8 hours daily as part of her preparations for the NEET entrance. The hard work paid off.
Read: NEET - UG exam results announced, 3 secure first rank
Vijayalakshmi said that her mother Prabha Kumari, and her younger brother were always supportive. Her father Vijay Kumar Giri works in the Railways and wanted to become a doctor.
Speaking about her dream, Vijayalakshmi said that when she comes back to Jharkhand after studying medicine, she will serve the poor and needy as a doctor.
"Though there are many medical facilities in metropolitan cities, there is a dearth of facilities in the rural areas," said Vijayalakshmi, who aspires to become a cardiologist.
Her advice to students who are preparing for NEET is to read NCERT books and to focus well on self-study.
On Monday, three students Mrinal Kuteri (Telangana), Tanmay Gupta (Delhi) and Karthik G Nair (Maharashtra) topped the NEET 2021 results released by the National Testing Agency on Monday.