New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday greeted Kashmiri Pandits on the occasion of 'Jyeshtha Ashtami' and said the entire country stands shoulder to shoulder with them in their happiness and sorrow. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convener's remarks came in the backdrop of the spate of targeted killings of Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir.
"Today is the holy day of Jyeshtha Ashtami. (I extend my) warm wishes to all Kashmiri Pandit brothers and sisters on this auspicious day. May the blessings of Maa Kheer Bhavani always be with you all," Kejriwal said in a tweet in Hindi. "I want to assure the Kashmiri Pandit community that the entire country is standing shoulder to shoulder with you in your every happiness and sorrow," he said.
Also Read: Targeted killings in J&K: 177 Kashmiri Pandit teachers transferred to 'safer' locations
The AAP has been raising the issue of targeted killings of Kashmiri Pandits for the past few weeks. The party held a 'Jan Aakrosh Rally' at Jantar Mantar here on June 5 over the issue. Addressing the rally, Kejriwal lashed out at the BJP-led central government for failing to provide security to Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley. He also demanded that the Centre put forth an action plan to stop the killings.
The Delhi chief minister on Tuesday said he has sought an appointment with Union Home Minister Amit Shah to discuss the killings of Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley. The spate of targeted killings in Kashmir started in May, which included that of Rahul Bhat, a clerk, who was shot dead inside the tehsildar's office in Budgam district's Chadoora.
Of the eight targeted killings since May 1, three victims were off-duty policemen and five were civilians. (PTI)