Kochi: The Enforcement Directorate on Tuesday issued notice to Church of South India (CSI) Moderator & South Kerala Bishop Dharmaraj Rasalam and ordered them to appear before the probe agency on Wednesday. The probe pertains to an alleged money laundering case in connection with church-run Karakonam Medical College.
ED issue notice to CSI Moderator and Sourth Kerala Bishop
The Enforcement Directorate on Tuesday issued notice to Church of South India (CSI) Moderator & South Kerala Bishop Dharmaraj Rasalam and ordered them to appear before the probe agency on Wednesday.
ED issue notice to CSI Moderator and Sourth Kerala Bishop
Kochi: The Enforcement Directorate on Tuesday issued notice to Church of South India (CSI) Moderator & South Kerala Bishop Dharmaraj Rasalam and ordered them to appear before the probe agency on Wednesday. The probe pertains to an alleged money laundering case in connection with church-run Karakonam Medical College.