Tirunelveli: Two women were arrested for allegedly killing their 90-year-old grandmother by setting her ablaze in the Pettai area of the Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu. The body of the victim Subbammal was found on May 3rd, at a garbage dump on the road in Aadham Nagar, Pettai. Police had rushed to the spot and recovered the body which was sent to District Government Hospital.
During the investigation and examination of the CCTV footage around Aadham Nagar, police identified an auto driver, who was later detained. It came to the fore that the elderly woman was burnt to death by her own granddaughters Mariammal and Mary of Krishnaperi. The two granddaughters felt that their grandmother was a burden to them. So, they decided to kill her.
The investigation has revealed that the two had gone to Aadham Nagar and burnt their grandmother using petrol. The Police arrested the two and produced them in court and remanded them in custody.
Also read: Man beheaded by his mother, younger brother in TN