Kolkata: A day after the CBI court sent Anubrata Mondal to judicial custody in the cattle smuggling case, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials are preparing the ground to investigate the role of TMC leader Anubrata Mondal, now in jail, and his former bodyguard Saigal Hossain. According to sources, the ED may also seek custody of Mondal and Hossain for questioning. It is learnt that the officials of the Delhi-based ED wing already filed an application in the Rouse Avenue Court in the national capital for permission to probe the cattle smuggling case.
Also Read: CBI judge receives threat letter seeking immediate bail for Anubrata Mondal
The ED move came amidst the ongoing case in the CBI court in which the detectives unearthed alleged unaccounted property worth crores of rupees in the name of Mondal's former bodyguard. The investigators have also found various businesses and farmhouses in the name of Anubrata Mondal. In addition to this, the officials are digging deep into the background of Mondal's former bodyguard. Hossain worked as a constable in the state police in the past. Despite this, more than Rs 100 crore worth of property has been found in his name so far.
As a result, the investigating officers took a serious note of it, took a deeper look and unearthed the financial fraud. According to ED sources in Delhi, the detectives have already gathered all the information and now ED wants to take Anubrata Mondal and his former bodyguard to Delhi for interrogation. ED officials have already spoken to CBI officials from time to time. Anubrata Mondal is an influential TMC leader of Birbhum. It may be recalled that Anubrata Mondal was sent to 14-day custody by the Asansol court on Wednesday.