New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate claimed Friday it has recorded a statement of a 'cash courier' who alleged that the promoters of the Mahadev betting app have paid Rs 508 crore to Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel till now, and that it is a "subject matter of investigation".
The courier, Asim Das, has been arrested by the agency after it recovered Rs 5.39 crore from him in the poll-bound state. The Mahadev online betting app and its promoters are being investigated by the ED under the anti-money laundering law.
"From the questioning of Asim Das, and from the forensic examination of the phone recovered from him, and examination of an email sent by Shubam Soni (one of the high ranking accused of Mahadev network) many startling allegations have come forth, namely, that regular payments have been made in the past and so far around Rs 508 crore have been paid by Mahadev APP promoters to Bhupesh Baghel, Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh," the ED said in a statement.
"These are subject matter of investigation," it said. Chhattisgarh goes to polls in two phases of November 7 and November 17.