Amritsar: A young man stabbed to death his uncle in broad daylight in Punjab's Amritsar on Sunday. The incident was captured in the nearby CCTV camera, in which the accused can be seen stabbing his uncle, Narinder Singh using a sharp weapon. The horrific incident took place at Baba Bakala village in Rayya tehsil of the district. Singh was rushed to the hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. According to police, it is suspected that the accused was a drug addict and his uncle had tried to stop him from taking drugs, and in a fit of rage, he attacked his uncle.
In the CCTV video, the accused comes and knocks on the door of Narinder Singh's house, as he comes and takes a few steps the accused attacks him from behind and stabs him multiple times, while Singh can be seen trying his best to overpower the accused. Seconds later family members rush hearing noise. Sub-inspector Raghbir Singh said police reached the spot and are investigating the incident and a case has been registered.