Roorkee (Uttar Pradesh): The District Consumer Forum has slapped a fine of Rs 9,65,918 on Domino's Pizza for gross negligence and shortcomings in its service. The fast-food company was fined more than Rs 9 lakh for serving non-vegetarian pizza to a customer who had ordered a vegetarian. Complainant Shivang Mittal in his petition filed in the Roorkee District Consumer Forum had stated that when he ordered a pizza costing around Rs 918, he was delivered the same, thereafter. When the petitioner opened the packet, he found the non-vegetarian pizza inside the packet.
On seeing non-vegetarian pizza, he had several bouts of vomiting. Counsel of the petitioner Gopal Narson said his client had ordered the pizza on October 26, 2020, at 4 pm online. The petitioner sought compensation because he and his family were vegetarian despite that the company had sent non-vegetarian pizza. The complainant's health deteriorated after seeing the non-vegetarian pizza besides the company also hurt their religious sentiments. The District Consumer Forum ordered Domino's Pizza to pay Rs 9,65,918, including interest and a fine to the complainant as compensation for causing mental pain and financial loss.