New Delhi: The elections for two Rajya Sabha seats along with five other States, including Assam will take place on March 31. Talking to ETV Bharat AICC in charge of Assam Jitendra Singh said "We are trying hard to make a consensus among all the opposition parties in Assam for the Rajya Sabah election. However, a consensus for a common candidate is yet to arrive among the oppositions parties".
The statement given by Singh assumes significance as the election commission has already announced the date for polling to elect 13 Rajya Sabha members from six states. Tenure of Congress Rajya Sabah MP Ripun Bora and Raneeh Narah will come to an end on April 2. The election commission has announced March 21 as the last date of filing nominations for the Rajya Sabah poll.
Congress took the initiative to bring all the opposition under one roof with a common candidate, however, finding it difficult to get support from all other parties for its projected Rajya Sabba candidate Pawan Singh Ghatowar. The All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) which is an ally of the opposition in Assam has expressed its interest to put up its own candidate.
Also Read: Assam: BJP widens lead in Majuli assembly by-election
On the other hand, BJP is confident of getting both the seats in the absence of a united opposition in the State. In the 126 member Assam Assembly, BJP and its allies have 84 seats which ensures one seat for the party. Moreover, BJP itself has 65 members. The Congress and the opposition combined have 42 seats. Congress has 27 seats. According to BJP party sources, "the party is likely to give one RS seat to its ally Bodoland People's Front (BPF). The BPF has recently become a partner of the ruling alliance in the Assam Legislative Assembly."
Talking to ETV Bharat, Union Minister for Waterways and Shipping, Sarbananda Sonowal has expressed confidence that BJP will get both the Rajya Sabha seats in the state. "Yes, I am confident that BJP will get both the Rajya Sabha seats in the forthcoming election," said Sonowal.