New Delhi: The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) on Wednesday said that they are keeping a close watch on the situation that emerged after maintenance technicians of airlines went on mass sick leave.
A senior DGCA official informed that they are keeping an eye on the situation. "DGCA is keeping watch on the situation. Operations are normal as of now. We expect a resolution shortly," he said. He added that they are in communication with the concerned airlines regarding the issue and asked for early resolution.
Also Read: Smoke reported out of IndiGo Raipur-Indore flight on Tuesday: DGCA
During the last five days, a sizeable number of the airline's aircraft maintenance technicians went on sick leave to protest against their low salaries and demand restoration of salaries that were slashed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The issue has largely affected the operation of Indigo and later it spread to other airlines like Go First. (ANI)