New Delhi: The Delhi Police Special Cell has arrested the notorious crook, Sandeep Kana, along with his accomplice- accused in the Rohini murder case from New Delhi's Janakpuri area. Police have recovered Pakistan-made weapons from their possession.
According to sources, the police were investigating the Delhi-Rohini murder case, meanwhile, they got a tip-off about Sandeep and police conducted raids in Haryana and Rajasthan, but in vain.
Recently, police got information about Sandeep's location in the Janakpuri area of Delhi. A police team raided the area, under the supervision of ACP Sanjay Dutt and arrested Sandeep along with his associate.
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During the investigation, both accused confessed to their role in a murder in Delhi's Rohini area. Both have a number of cases registered against them in Delhi and Haryana. Sandeep also confessed that he gets weapons from the Darra Adam Khel area of Pakistan, informed sources from Special Cell.